Dashboard reporting and data governance for FaHCSIA Community Profiles
It’s a fundamental question in social policy: “where should government funds be allocated, and how will we know if our grant programs have worked?” For FaHCSIA, answering this question was difficult because staff lacked timely access to reliable data.
Easing compliance logistics for the National Hospitals Funding Body
When hospital funding data is made public, there’s a strong incentive to get the data right. Hospital administrators, knowing that their data is open to scrutiny, will invest time in reporting accurate information. Consumers and policy makers can make better-informed decisions as a result. That’s the rationale behind publichospitalfunding.gov.au, an initiative of the National Hospitals Funding Body (NHFB). The website publishes online reports on funding, linked to the services that each local hospital network has delivered. Reports are aggregated at state, territory and national levels.
Streamlined reporting for Housing NSW
Housing NSW needed a simpler way to manage their data. They needed a collection approach that met their requirements, including meeting reporting obligations for multiple government authorities. At the same time, the approach had to be workable for community housing providers (CHPs) on the ground.